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Australia Country Research Project

Australia Country Research Project

Engage children in a variety of interactive activities as they research the geography and culture of Australia.

Australia Research Project

Students work independently, with a partner, or in a small group to research Australia using classroom books and websites (including ours!).  They complete a variety of activities to create a fun, interactive final presentation –  making a wonderful artifact to share and keep.

Activities include

  • Maps:  practice basic map skills using a world map and a continent/country map
  • Country stats: record the country’s population, area, products, climate, and currency on a fact wheel
  • Flag: color a sample flag and write a description of what the colors and symbols mean
  • Language: learn common words and phrases in the country’s official language
  • Food: plan a menu for a day
  • Sports: name popular sports/activities
  • Animals: identify and classify, creating a pocket chart
  • Clothing: illustrate (or construct) traditional clothing on paper dolls
  • Famous People: identify individuals and their achievement(s)
  • Holidays & Celebrations: describe the traditions of several holidays

Australia Research Project

Australia Learning Resources for Kids Explore the Land Down Under using a variety of suggested resources.