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From My Window: A Celebration of Community

From My Window is an #OwnVoices picture book with a first-hand view of what children growing up in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro see every day.

From My Window

Inspired by his own childhood in a favela in Brazil, author Otávio Júnior’s poetic story celebrates the diversity of this unique community.

“I live to tell stories, mostly about the favela, which is a whole world inside a city, with its language, culture, and traditions,” he says.

What is a favela?

The vibrant and detailed illustrations by Vanina Starkoff offer lots of opportunities for discoveries, comparisons, and discussions.

What do you notice? Look carefully and describe the various activities taking place.

How is a favela similar to your community? How is it different?


From My Window

What Do You See From Your Window?

Draw what you see using this printable or a blank piece of paper. The download also includes a coloring sheet.

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Go further with our Brazil Research Project for Young Explorers.

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